Equinox Kombucha

Energize. Detoxify. Revitalize.

  • Pro-life.
  • Pro-biotic.
  • Immune booster.
  • Full of vitamins.
  • Powerful source of energy.
  • Balances your metabolism.
  • Helps the body’s natural capacities to regenerate.
  • Yummy!

What exactly is Kombucha?

“Elixir of Long Life”, “Immortality tea”, “Miracle tea”. These are a few names given to this tea-based fermented drink. Kombucha tea is a wholesome refreshing detoxifying wonder that you will enjoy a little more every day. Kombucha is a living organism; a symbiosis of bacteria and yeast which ferments sweetened tea to become the Kombucha beverage. This ancient elixir has been used for more than 2000 years in the eastern world for its numerous properties. History recalls Samurai warriors filling their flasks with the elixir to raise their Chi energy. Kombucha tea is now gaining popularity in the western population as people are raising their awareness to healthy alternatives starting to kick pop and sugary drinks.